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PT. Panji Mas Textile
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PT. Panji Mas Textile
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#1653 din 1653 de Companii din Produse Textile si din Piele
Membru Gratuit din 2009
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    Fii primul care lasa o parere. Ne va ajuta sa promovam pe Bizoo doar firme cu produse si servicii de calitate.
Scrie o parere
PT. Panji Mas Textile PT. Panji Mas Textile +62 (31)77454330 Driyorejo, Indonesia, Vrancea
Produse si servicii

mopuri, Cotton yarn,  White bleach yarn, Color yarn,   Synthetic yarn (rayon), and  Mop finish.

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Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2009!
Dear Sir or Madam.

Good Morning

We are from PT. Panji Mas Textile, Indonesia that produce and  supply Mop yarns. We already exported our products at around the world, such as Poland, Hungary, Greece, Argentina, Canada, Italy, South Africa, India, Malaysia, Philippine, Mexico.  

Below are mop yarns that we produce:  
Cotton yarn,  
White bleach yarn,  
Color yarn,  
Synthetic yarn (rayon), and
Mop finish.

Those yarns in count ranges Ne 0.3s until 1s single and twist. The composition of yarn and color depends on buyer requirements.
Our yarns are from Dreff Frictions Spinning Machine, our capacity that we can produce are 500 ton/month. Our yarns are without coloring process, good strength, and high absorbent.
We will quote you  our best and competitive price.  For further information please fell free to contact us.
Thank you,
Awaiting your news
Best regards
Dewiq Natalia

PT. Panji Mas Textile
Jl. Raya Driyorejo KM.25, Gresik 61177 East Java, Indonesia  

Phone : +62-31-77454330
Fax : +62-31-7507139
Din Gura in Gura